Wednesday, 22 October 2014

What would you say, if you were asked to talk about one defining moment that changed the course of your life forever?

What would you say, if you were asked to talk about one defining moment that changed the course of your life forever?

I thought long and hard, and wondered, if there really was a moment that stood out from the rest? And I found that I did have experiences that have been life-altering.

I could talk about the accident, that I was in, when I was ten years old. I can say, it was one defining moment that changed my life forever, because I consider myself blessed to even have had an opportunity to experience life after ten.

The accident happened so long ago that I barely remember any of the details.

Shouldn’t that “one moment that changed the course of my life forever” be something that I remember vividly;something that still affects me today?

There are countless other experiences that I’ve had; like the first time when I left home to go to a distant place for my higher studies, or the time when I almost fell from a height of almost 30 feet; or the time when I first declined a job offer only to find out months later, that a gunman had shot three employees in that same place.

My point is, there are innumerable life experiences that one can learn from.

We must learn from our mistakes, and promise ourselves that we would never repeat those blunders again.

We should follow others’ footsteps and learn from their mistakes too.
How we respond to our thoughts and experiences; that choice, is in our hands.

And at the end of the day, the most significant element in any individual’s life is, this:The Power To Choose.

Think of it this way, there is an experience in your life that stands out from the rest— the first time when you understood that y o u have the power to choose!

At times, when you lose sight of that power, remind yourself that you have the capability to rise up, regardless of your circumstances, if you choose to l e a r n instead of giving up!!

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