Thursday 6 November 2014

4. Slow down and bask in the pleasure of living.

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Why are you in such a hurry all the time? The world will not end if you have to stand in line at the grocery store. Driving like a maniac to save two minutes does not make any sense. Tugging your dog on its leash and fussing at it to “hurry up!” is inconsiderate since it spends so much of its day indoors. Exercise your patience muscles by choosing to stand in the longest line at the grocery store, leaving your house ten minutes early so you can drive to work at a leisurely pace, and allowing your dog to explore the outside world to its heart’s content. Taking your time will give you a much-needed break from the constant hustle of the daily grind. Breathe deeply, quiet your inner-chatter, and take a moment to simply be.

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