Friday, 6 March 2015

Live Life to the Fullest...

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” ~ Maya Angelou

We all have our stories, don’t we?
Some stories merely create a ripple in our lives, while others go deeper. So much so that they can change the course of our lives.
When something unexpected comes your way, take a step back, take a look around at the whole picture, and decide how you’d like to respond.

Choose to lead a purposeful life, one that is enriching and filled with meaning. And take the steps to create that life.

Be brave…
…about discovering who you are. Many of us have our lives totally mapped out—this is how many children I’ll have, this is where I’m going to live, this what work I want to do—to the point where we may not question whether it’s what we truly want.
So when something unexpected happens that changes our life plans, it can shake us to the core. We become vulnerable, unsure of ourselves, and unsure of what to do—and this can feel very uncomfortable. Be brave and ride those feelings out, because you may just discover what it is that you are truly in search of.
Be honest…
…with yourself. Even though life hasn’t turned out the way you had planned, it does not mean that you have failed. There’s no need to make excuses, judge yourself, or shy away from this truth.
And it’s okay to feel angry and hurt; these are natural feelings and are a part of being honest with yourself. But acceptance is necessary. Accept what is. The sooner you realize this, you will be able think clearly and take steps in the right direction with a positive mindset.
Be open…
…to a different life and to new experiences. There’s no point hanging on to what could’ve been, because it can make us bitter and resentful.
With an open heart and mind you can truly let new experiences into your life. You never know what exciting events may come your way, but that’s the beauty of it.
Be gentle and kind…
…with yourself. Whether you believe what’s happened in your life is your fault or not, you must be gentle with and forgive yourself. It serves no one, especially not you, if you don’t “talk” to yourself lovingly.
To create a life of purpose, we must first love ourselves, because only then can our actions come from the heart. And when your actions come from the heart, you see clearly, feel strong, and are sure of your choices.
Be trusting…
…of yourself and the universe. All you can do is your best and go with the flow—and trust that your life is turning out as it should be.
Going with the flow can be challenging, especially if you’re someone who likes to be in control.
So remind yourself constantly that even when you try so hard to create a life that you want, the universe may decide otherwise. And how you choose to respond to it is what matters—that’s really what life’s all about.
Flow with the nature of life and you will have the strength to handle everything that comes your way.

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